PANSE is an acronym and stands for Public Access Network Sound Engine. It’s a streaming audio program with a built-in tcp server. It’s meant to be an open platform for experimental interactive audio-visual netart and is open to all. So-called “modules” (clients) can be created using Flash, Java, Perl or whatever else you can think of. Messages can be sent to it to control the highly flexible audio that is set up as two 16 step sequencers, a monophonic synthesizer and an effects generator. But it also streams out numerical data about the audio being played. This data can be used to control visual representations. It’s very interesting to see how the design of an interface effects the way people interact with such a project. As with my previous projects, PANSE is multi-user based, so if more than one person is interacting with it at the same time, they will see and hear what the others are doing. This is why I prefer to call them modules rather than clients. It’s like a modular synthesizer where seperate units control seperate aspects of what’s going on. In PANSE, not all of the interfaces allow control over all parameters. In fact, currently there is only one interface that allows control over all of the different parameters.