/*Copyright 2015, Pall Thayer (http://pallthayer.dyndns.org)*/ /*These program are free software: you can redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will rock your world, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see .*/ /*Portrait of the Artist - 2018-03-30 08:51:26*/ var portrait = function(who) { this.who = who; var count = 0; var skinSurface; var skin = document.createElement("canvas"); var makeSkin = function() { skin.id = "skin"; skin.width = window.innerWidth; skin.height = window.innerHeight; skin.style.position = "absolute"; skin.style.top = "0px"; skin.style.left = "0px"; document.body.appendChild(skin); skinSurface = skin.getContext("2d"); }; var startPortrait = function() { makeSkin(); var bodyParts = setInterval(makeParts, 5); }; var makeParts = function() { count++; if(count < 2000) { var line = "rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"; }else{ line = "rgba(0,255,5,0.4)"; } count = count == 4000?0:count; var size = parseInt((Math.random()*10)+10); skinSurface.strokeStyle = line; skinSurface.font = size+"px sans-serif"; //skinSurface.strokeText(who, Math.random()*(window.innerWidth+1000)-500, Math.random()*(innerHeight+500)-250); skinSurface.strokeText(who, Math.random()*(window.innerWidth+1000)-500, 0.5*Math.sin(count*.01)*(innerHeight)+innerHeight/2); }; startPortrait(); }; /*Mr. Rhythm - 2017-11-05 22:47:02*/ var mrrhythm = function() { var karray; var kcount = 0; var sarray; var scount = 0; var harray; var hcount = 0; var real = new Float32Array(8); var imag = new Float32Array(8); for(var i = 0; i < real.length; i++) { real[i] = Math.random(); imag[i] = Math.random(); } var thestuff = document.getElementById("thestuff"); var context = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; var actx = new context; var kickme = actx.createOscillator(); kickme.type = 'sine'; kickme.frequency.value = 110; var kamp = actx.createGain(); kamp.gain.value = 0.0; kickme.connect(kamp); kamp.connect(actx.destination); kickme.start(); var kseq = document.createElement('input'); kseq.id = 'kickme'; kseq.type = 'text'; kseq.value = '10'; thestuff.appendChild(kseq); var spankme = actx.createOscillator(); var wave = actx.createPeriodicWave(real, imag); spankme.setPeriodicWave(wave); //spankme.type = 'sine'; spankme.frequency.value = -1; var spbs = 2 * actx.sampleRate, spnb = actx.createBuffer(1, spbs, actx.sampleRate), spop = spnb.getChannelData(0); for(var i = 0; i < spbs; i++) { spop[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1; } var spanknoise = actx.createBufferSource(); spanknoise.buffer = spnb; spanknoise.loop = true; var spamp = actx.createGain(); spamp.gain.value = 0.0; spankme.connect(spamp); spanknoise.connect(spamp); spankme.start(); spanknoise.start(0); spamp.connect(actx.destination); var spseq = document.createElement('input'); spseq.id = 'spankme'; spseq.type = 'text'; spseq.value = '001'; thestuff.appendChild(spseq); var htbs = 2 * actx.sampleRate, htnb = actx.createBuffer(1, htbs, actx.sampleRate), htop = htnb.getChannelData(0); for(var i = 0; i < htbs; i++) { htop[i] = Math.random() * 2 - 1; } var hattrick = actx.createBufferSource(); hattrick.buffer = htnb; hattrick.loop = true; var htgain = actx.createGain(); htgain.gain.value = 0.0; hattrick.connect(htgain); htgain.connect(actx.destination); hattrick.start(); var htseq = document.createElement('input'); htseq.id = 'hattrick'; htseq.type = 'text'; htseq.value = '000101'; thestuff.appendChild(htseq); var readbeats = function() { var k = kseq.value; karray = k.split(''); playbeats("k"); var s = spseq.value; sarray = s.split(''); playbeats("s"); var h = htseq.value; harray = h.split(''); playbeats("h"); } var playbeats = function(inst) { switch(inst) { case 'k': if(parseInt(karray[kcount]) == 1) { kickme.frequency.setValueAtTime(110, actx.currentTime); kickme.frequency.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.001, actx.currentTime+10); kamp.gain.setValueAtTime(1, actx.currentTime); kamp.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.001, actx.currentTime+0.5); } kcount = kcount < karray.length?kcount+1:0; break; case 's': if(parseInt(sarray[scount]) == 1) { spankme.frequency.setValueAtTime(220, actx.currentTime); spamp.gain.setValueAtTime(0.3, actx.currentTime); spamp.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.001, actx.currentTime+0.8); } scount = scount < sarray.length?scount+1:0; break; case 'h': if(parseInt(harray[hcount]) == 1) { htgain.gain.setValueAtTime(0.2, actx.currentTime); htgain.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.001, actx.currentTime+0.1); } hcount = hcount < harray.length?hcount+1:0; break; } } var animate = function() { for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } var go = setInterval(function(){readbeats();}, 200); } animate(); } /*Runningness - 2017-10-23 14:21:53*/ function Runningness() { var subCounter = 0; var mainCounter = 0; var run = function() { var subc = document.getElementById("subc"); var c = document.getElementById("c"); subc.innerHTML = subCounter; c.innerHTML = mainCounter; if(subCounter < 99) { subCounter++; }else{ subCounter = 0; mainCounter++; } } for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } var runner = setInterval(run, 100); } /*An Abstraction? - 2017-10-10 15:44:42*/ var autodraw = function() { var theCanvas; var howLong = window.innerWidth; var howHi = window.innerHeight; var reason = "Can we get some real gun controls already?"; var ltrs = reason.split(""); var ltrc = 0; var counter = 0; var goto = [Math.random()*howLong, Math.random()*howHi]; var from = [Math.random()*howLong, Math.random()*howHi]; var ctx; var r, g, b; var letters = 10; var init = function () { theCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); theCanvas.id = "thecanvas"; theCanvas.width = howLong; theCanvas.height = howHi; document.body.appendChild(theCanvas); ctx = document.getElementById("thecanvas").getContext("2d"); r = parseInt(Math.random()*255);g = parseInt(Math.random()*255);b = parseInt(Math.random()*255); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+", 0.3)"; ctx.font = letters+"px sans-serif"; animate(); }; var draw = function() { letters++; ctx.font = letters+"px san-serif"; if(counter % 10 == 0) { goto = [((Math.random()*100)-50)+goto[0], ((Math.random()*100)-50)+goto[1]]; } if(counter % 500 == 0) { goto = [Math.random()*howLong, Math.random()*howHi]; from = [goto[0], goto[1]]; r = parseInt(Math.random()*255);g = parseInt(Math.random()*255);b = parseInt(Math.random()*255); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+", 0.1)"; }else{ from = [(((goto[0] - from[0])*0.008)+from[0]), (((goto[1] - from[1])*0.008)+from[1])]; } ctx.fillText(ltrs[ltrc], from[0], from[1]); ltrc++; if(ltrc >= ltrs.length){ltrc=0;letters = 5;} counter++; } var animate = function() { for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } var go = setInterval(function(){draw();}, 10); } init(); } /*Form Over Function (For Alexei) - 2017-10-08 12:44:41*/ var form = function() { this.width = parseInt(Math.random()*500); this.top = parseInt(Math.random()*window.innerHeight); this.left = parseInt(Math.random()*(window.innerWidth+500))-250; var types = ['text', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'button', 'color', 'date', 'range']; this.type = types[parseInt(Math.random()*types.length)]; var growTo = parseInt(Math.random()*window.innerWidth); this.makeFormEl = function() { var formEl = document.createElement('input'); formEl.id = this.type+parseInt(Math.random()*1000); formEl.type = this.type; formEl.style.top = this.top+'px'; formEl.style.left = this.left+'px'; formEl.style.position = 'absolute'; formEl.style.width = this.width+'px'; var form = document.getElementById('the_form'); form.appendChild(formEl); var ani = setInterval(function(){grow(formEl);}, 100); } var grow = function(el) { this.width += (growTo - this.width)*0.1; el.style.width = this.width+'px'; }.bind(this); }; /*Objects in Motion III: Square with content flipping on two axes - 2017-10-08 12:39:53*/ var qpdb = function() { var count = 1; var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; var thoughts = ['q', 'p', 'd', 'b']; var where = ['left', 'right', 'left', 'right']; var Ydeg = 180; var Xdeg = 180; var frame = document.createElement('div'); var youNeedMe = function() { frame.style.height = height*0.5+'px'; frame.style.width = height*0.5+'px'; frame.style['border-left'] = '5px solid #cca'; frame.style['border-top'] = '5px solid #ccb'; frame.style['border-right'] = '5px solid #ccc'; frame.style['border-bottom'] = '5px solid #ccd'; frame.style.margin = 'auto'; frame.id = 'needme'; makeThought(); } var makeThought = function() { frame.style['font-family'] = 'sans-serif'; frame.style['font-size'] = height*0.2+'px'; frame.style.padding = '10px'; var bubble = ''; for(var i=0;i < thoughts.length;i++) { bubble += '
'; if(i % 2 !== 0) { bubble += '
'; } } frame.innerHTML = bubble; document.body.appendChild(frame); for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } var grow = setInterval(function(){becoming();}, 1000); } var becoming = function() { switch(count) { case 1: Ydeg *= -1; frame.style.transform += 'rotateY('+Ydeg+'deg)'; break; case 2: Xdeg *= -1; frame.style.transform += 'rotateX('+Xdeg+'deg)'; break; case 3: Ydeg *= -1; frame.style.transform += 'rotateY('+Ydeg+'deg)'; break; case 4: Xdeg *= -1; frame.style.transform += 'rotateX('+Xdeg+'deg)'; break; default: break; } count = count == 4?1:count+1; } youNeedMe(); } /*Objects In Motion II: Square flipping horizontally - 2017-10-07 22:02:37*/ var square = function(where) { this.there = where; var fair = false; var bear = fair; var air = 90; var hair = 90; var pear = hair + air; var square = document.createElement('div'); square.style.border = '5px solid black'; square.style.width = pear+'px'; square.style.height = pear+'px'; square.style.margin = 'auto'; if(fair) square.style['border-right'] = '5px solid red'; document.body.appendChild(square); var care = function(bear) { for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } share = setInterval(function(){mare(bear);}, 1000); }; var mare = function(bear) { pear *= -1; square.style.transform += 'rotateY('+pear+'deg)'; }; function share() { return true; }; care(bear); }; /*Objects In Motion I: Rotating circle - 2015-10-07 20:42:46*/ var theByrds = function() { var width = window.innerWidth; var height = window.innerHeight; var season = document.createElement('div'); var deg = 0; season.style.border = "5px solid black"; season.style.width = width/2+'px'; season.style.height = width/2+'px'; season.style['margin-left'] = 'auto'; season.style['margin-right'] = 'auto'; season.style['border-radius'] = '100%'; document.body.appendChild(season); this.turn_turn_turn = function() { for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } var turn_turn = setInterval(turn_turn_turn, 100); } function turn_turn_turn() { season.style.transform = 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'; deg++; }; }; /*Ce Ne Sont Pas les Citrons - 2015-09-19 19:27:04*/ var lemon = function() { var started = false; var i=0; var seed = new AudioContext(); var fruit = seed.createOscillator(); var tree = seed.createOscillator(); fruit.type = 'square'; tree.type = 'square'; tree.detune.value = 2; var color = seed.createGain(); fruit.connect(color); tree.connect(color); var squeeze = seed.createDelay(); squeeze.delayTime.value = 0.5; var juice = seed.createGain(); juice.gain.value = 0.5; squeeze.connect(juice); juice.connect(squeeze); color.connect(juice); color.connect(seed.destination); juice.connect(seed.destination); var howLong; var fvalue; var buttonUp = function() { var bod = document.getElementsByTagName('body'); var makeButtons = ''; for(var i=1;i<100;i++) { makeButtons += ''; } bod[0].innerHTML = makeButtons; }; this.pucker = function(freek) { fvalue = freek; window.clearInterval(howLong); fruit.frequency.value = fvalue; tree.frequency.value = fvalue; color.gain.value = 0.7; if(!started) { startFruitTree(); } howLong = setInterval(sing, 50); }; var sing = function() { color.gain.value -= 0.05; fvalue -= 100; fruit.frequency.setValueAtTime(fvalue, seed.currentTime); tree.frequency.setValueAtTime(fvalue, seed.currentTime); if(color.gain.value < 0) { window.clearInterval(howLong); } }; var startFruitTree = function() { fruit.start(); tree.start(); started = true; }; buttonUp(); } /*After Ahmed Mohamed - 2015-09-18 15:56:09*/ var itsAclockOfficer = function() { this.time = new Date(); this.h = this.time.getHours(); this.m = this.time.getMinutes(); this.s = this.time.getSeconds(); this.howLong = window.innerWidth; this.howHi = window.innerHeight; this.makeClock = function() { clock = document.createElement("div"); clock.id = "clock"; clock.style.position = "absolute"; clock.style.width = this.howLong+"px"; clock.style.height = this.howHi+"px"; clock.style["background-color"] = "red"; clock.style["text-align"] = "center"; clock.style["font-size"] = "50px"; clock.style.color = "white"; ahmed = document.body.appendChild(clock); for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } setInterval(itCountsTheSecondsOrElseItGetsTheHose, 1000); } var itCountsTheSecondsOrElseItGetsTheHose = function() { if(this.s == 59) {this.s = 0;this.m++;}else{this.s++;} if(this.m == 59) {this.m = 0;this.h++;} if(this.h == 13) {this.h = 1;} document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = zeroPad(this.h)+":"+zeroPad(this.m)+":"+zeroPad(this.s); }.bind(this); var zeroPad = function(num) { if(num < 10) { return '0'+num; } return num; } this.makeClock(); } /*Circles - 2015-09-08 17:17:08*/ var circle = function(id) { var colorme = function() { return parseInt(Math.random()*255); }; this.size = parseInt(Math.random()*250); this.speed = parseInt(Math.random()*10)+3; this.color = "rgb("+colorme()+","+colorme()+","+colorme()+")"; this.howLong = window.innerWidth; this.howHi = window.innerHeight; var circle = document.createElement("div"); var timer; this.draw = function() { design(); document.body.appendChild(circle); animate(); }; var animate = function() { timer = setInterval(rise, 50); }; var rise = function() { var thecircle = document.getElementById(id); this.howHi -= this.speed; circle.style.top = this.howHi+"px"; if(this.howHi < (this.size+10)*-1) { this.howHi = window.innerHeight; } }.bind(this); var design = function() { circle.id = id; circle.style.position = "absolute"; circle.style.width = this.size+"px"; circle.style.height = this.size+"px"; circle.style.left = parseInt(Math.random()*(this.howLong-this.size))+"px"; circle.style.top = this.howHi+"px"; circle.style.border = "5px solid "+this.color; circle.style["border-radius"] = "100%"; }.bind(this); }; /*Stripes - 2015-09-08 16:53:51*/ var stripes = function () { var theCanvas; var howLong = window.innerWidth; var howHi = window.innerHeight; var init = function () { theCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); theCanvas.id = "thecanvas"; theCanvas.width = howLong; theCanvas.height = howHi; document.body.appendChild(theCanvas); stripe(howLong/40); }; var stripe = function (spacing) { var ctx = document.getElementById("thecanvas").getContext("2d"); for(var i = 0;i < howLong;i += spacing) { ctx.fillStyle = "rgb("+makePretty()+", "+makePretty()+", "+makePretty()+")"; ctx.fillRect(i, 0, spacing, howLong); } }; var makePretty = function() { return parseInt(Math.random()*255); }; init(); }; /*Web on the Move - 2015-09-08 15:01:29*/ var spinner = function() { var objects = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); var counter = 0; var timer; for(var i=0;i < objects.length;i++) { objects[i].speed = parseInt(Math.random()*5)+1; objects[i].rotPos = 0; } this.spin = function() { for(var i = 1;i < 9999;i++) { window.clearInterval(i); } timer = setInterval(adjust, 100); }; var adjust = function() { for(var i=0;i < objects.length;i++) { objects[i].rotPos += objects[i].speed; objects[i].style.transform = "rotate("+objects[i].rotPos+"deg)"; } counter++; }; }; /*White On White - 2015-08-29 11:51:11*/ var whiteOnWhite = function () { this.color = "#ffc"; this.offset = 100; this.howLong = window.innerWidth; this.howHi = window.innerHeight; this.wowdiv; this.drawWOW = function() { wowdiv = document.createElement("div"); setWOW(); document.body.appendChild(wowdiv); }; var setWOW = function() { wowdiv.id = "wowdiv"; wowdiv.style["margin-top"] = this.offset+"px"; wowdiv.style["margin-left"] = this.offset+"px"; wowdiv.style.width = this.howLong-(this.offset*2)+"px"; wowdiv.style.height = this.howHi-(this.offset*2)+"px"; wowdiv.style["background-color"] = this.color; wowdiv.style.transform = "rotate(3deg)"; }.bind(this); };