by Pall Thayer
Microcodes are very small code-based artworks. Each one is a fully contained work of art. On this page you can see contributed modifications of the original Microcodes that can be seen here.

Original code:

Enter your name (will be displayed):

Here you can enter extra info, such as warnings if the code can cause damage:

Enter code (must be complete and runnable):

The strain and pressure of modern living
Running this for extended periods of time will cause your computer to become unresponsive.
11. January 2010
	my $strain = {name => 'strain'};
	my $pressure = {name => 'pressure'};
	$strain->{strain} = $pressure;
	$pressure->{pressure} = $strain;
	select(undef, undef, undef, 0.0002);
	print `clear && free -m`;
Eric Dymond
will open a window,
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Tk;
require Tk;
use English;
use LWP::Simple;
my $Version="1.0";
my $main=MainWindow->new();
$main->maxsize(qw(950 350));
#$main->maxsize(qw(925 350));
$main->title("Art can go here");
my $body =$main->Frame(-background=>'red',)->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'y');
my $inFrm =$body->Frame(-background=>'orange',)->pack(-side=>'top',-fill=>'x');
my $message = $inFrm->Label(-background=>'green')->pack(-side=>'top');
$code  = get('http://pallit.lhi.is/microcodes/contr.php?code_id=47');
my $message = $inFrm->Label(-background=>'green')->pack(-side=>'top');

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