by Pall Thayer
Microcodes are very small code-based artworks. Each one is a fully contained work of art. On this page you can see contributed modifications of the original Microcodes that can be seen here.

Original code:

Enter your name (will be displayed):

Here you can enter extra info, such as warnings if the code can cause damage:

Enter code (must be complete and runnable):

Walking backwards to see the destruction in my wake
warning: running this will very probably result in extreme loss of data
25. February 2009
$path = ''; 
	`rm -rf $path`; 
	$path .= '../'; 
Dave Everitt
Walking backwards just to see my wake
#! /env/perl - w

print "Number of steps to walk backwards: ";
while (<>) {
	if (/^\d+$/) {
		print "Backwards $_ steps:\n";
		while($_ > 0){
			print `ls -al $path`;
			$path .= '../';
			$_ -= 1;
	} else {
		print "How MANY steps: ";
Dave Everitt
Walking backwards asking nicely (refactored)
#! /env/perl - w

print "Number of steps to walk backwards: ";
while (<>) {
	if (/^\d+$/) {
		print "Backwards $_ steps:\n";
		while($_-- > 0){
			print `ls -al $path`;
			$path .= '../';
	} else {
		print "How MANY steps: ";

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