by Pall Thayer
Microcodes are very small code-based artworks. Each one is a fully contained work of art. On this page you can see contributed modifications of the original Microcodes that can be seen here.

Original code:

Enter your name (will be displayed):

Here you can enter extra info, such as warnings if the code can cause damage:

Enter code (must be complete and runnable):

How to explain Perl to a dead hare
This will only run on Mac OS X.
01. August 2009
$info = `perldoc -q .`;
@words = split(" ", $info);
foreach $word(@words){
	`say $word`;
Nick Montfort
This version is for Linux, and requires amixer & espeak to be installed. It invokes amixer to mute the sound, locking the visitors outside the galley.
$info = `perldoc -q .`;
@words = split(" ", $info);
`amixer set Master mute`;
foreach $word(@words){
        `espeak $word`;

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